5C. Levels of Injury Explained – Thoracic – Spinal Cord Injury 101
injuries February 27th. 2021, 4:35pmThe thoracic spinal cord injury explained.
This video, created by KPKinteractive for Shepherd Center and its project partners, uses simple language and images of real people who have sustained a spinal cord injury, as well as medical experts and advocates. Judy Fortin, former CNN anchor and medical correspondent, guides you through important information to help maximize your loved one’s recovery.
Lee Woodruff adds practical advice — her husband, Bob Woodruff of ABC News, was injured in a bomb blast in Iraq and sustained a traumatic brain injury.
The video chapters take you through the initial stages of what to do when a loved one has recently sustained a spinal cord injury, explains the anatomy of the spinal cord, offers an explanation of spinal cord injury types and classifications, tests and procedures, and, finally, how to get the support you need. Watch and share them with friends or loved ones going through a spinal cord injury. To learn about brain injury, visit http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdBakfx9g1hZjmPPxTM8CBYPX8o8-av8J.
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